
The Village Voice

As Port Sunlight Village Trust, we want residents to be actively engaged in the work we do. We want to listen to you, involve you and use your feedback to help shape and improve our services. That’s where the Village Voice comes in.

The Village Voice is the result of our new resident engagement strategy, launched in spring 2024. The strategy has been created in consultation with a range of residents, both owners/occupiers and PSVT tenants, as well as the Port Sunlight Village Residents Association.

How you can get involved

Be part of the Village Voice Portal

To increase the volume and diversity of residents who want to have their say, we have created the Village Voice Portal, an informal collective of residents who are called upon each month to give their views and feedback on specific issues from the comfort of their own homes. It’s your chance to feed in your views on specific issues through regular surveys by email, WhatsApp and other ways if needed.

Surveys are shared around the middle of each month. There may be additional surveys issued alongside this.

Join an advisory group

You’re invited to join one of our new advisory groups, giving you the opportunity to be involved in key strategic areas of our work, which residents have said they would like to be more involved in. Each advisory group has nominated PSVT Board member to champion and a lead member of PSVT staff to oversee it. There are terms of references and ‘job descriptions’, and an expectation that each group undertakes two village walkabouts per year as well as explore funding and inward investment opportunities. Most importantly, you will help to make a difference to Port Sunlight.

Tenants Advisory Group

Dealing with specific issues only relevant PSVT’s tenants, such as rents, repairs and service standards.

Heritage Advisory Group

Shape the storytelling of the village and bring its heritage to life for residents and visitors alike, as well support the delivery of specific heritage projects such as improvements to monuments and developing the social history around them.

PSVT gardener trimming a hedge in the Dell in Port Sunlight

Landscape Advisory Group

Overseeing the grounds maintenance activity in the village and supporting volunteer activity in this area.

Heritage Homes Advisory Group

Covering issues related to the upkeep and maintenance of individual homes such as information on appropriate contractors and how to undertake home improvements on listed buildings.

Community Development Advisory Group

Shaping a new approach to the delivery of community development activities in the village, facilitating the community to deliver and increasing external investment into activities.

How to join an advisory group

We have a limited number of spaces available on each group, so please do get in touch if you are interested so you don’t miss out on being an important part of the Village Voice. To enquire about joining, please email our resident and community engagement officer Emma to find out more.

Advisory Group Online Hubs

If you are part of an advisory group, here is where you can access dedicated online hubs which include meeting minutes, agendas and other important documents and resources. Please note each hub is password protected – if you don’t know the password for your group, please contact your group lead.