Drawn Together
Status: Completed (2021)
Made possible by National Lottery players, PSVT and four North West project partners created a digital archive of original drawings for Port Sunlight Village. The documents, which include over 4000 original plans and detail drawings, illustrate founder William Lever’s vision for an industrial model village for his workers and the artistic and physical development, expansion and evolution of the village over a span of 70 years.
The digital archive brings together for the first time both the project partners and the holdings from four collections: Unilever, Art Archives and Records Management (UARM), Wirral Archives, Bolton Library & Museums Service and National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside (operating as National Museums Liverpool (NML)). A catalogue of the drawings has also been created and a selection of drawings from each of the project partners have been digitised.
Explore Drawn Together: drawntogether.portsunlightvillage.com