
Opportunity: PSVT looking to commission new audience research

Port Sunlight Village Trust (PSVT) is looking for an experienced company, consultant, or group of consultants to undertake a programme of audience research. It must inform the development of a new strategic plan, inform our current and future visitor offer – including food and retail, exhibitions experience, public programming, product development, on-line engagement, marketing, access, and movement – and help us to reconsider existing strategies completed since the COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information about the scope of works, timescales and budget, download the brief below.


The deadline for proposals is 10.00am on Tuesday 18th June 2024. Ideally an appointment will be made during w/c 17th June based on submissions received. However, on-line interviews may be required.


For an informal conversation please contact Katherine Lynch, Director of Projects [email protected]. The deadline for questions is 1.00pm on Friday 14th June.