Be Port Sunlight

Kaleidoscopic Village Walk

Walking around the beautiful village of Port Sunlight Village on a daily basis throughout 2020 Spring lockdown was a gift. The village was so quiet compared to how it normally is, with much less traffic and visitors.

At that time, all of my work as a videographer and digital motion artist was postponed or cancelled due to the pandemic and I was quite stressed about the future. Being creative isn’t easy when feeling anxious but I took a one-hour walk around the village each day, mindfully taking in the details of what I saw and heard, and capturing them with my camera from unusual perspectives. I focused on the texture, shape, colours and sounds of my surroundings – walls, architecture, paving stones, pathways, trees, plants, skies, and reflections – whatever captured my interest. It was a way to distract my busy mind, finding calm and inspiration.

When I got home, I enjoyed playing around with the photographs and video clips I collected, using creative digital apps to make simple abstract videos. This daily creative practice ignited so many ideas that I could take into my video and animation professional work, as well as being good for my wellbeing.


Kirstie Henderson