Our most recent residents’ consultation group meeting took place on

Monday 11th April. This was our fifth meeting since the group was set up 12 months ago. As well as discussing the new customer service standards, we spent time at the meeting considering the types of services and facilities that are currently missing in the village.

We also reviewed the work of the group to date. The residents present valued the group and the chance to meet and exchange ideas with both Trust staff and other residents. They were keen to see more focused agendas with updates provided on activity since the previous meeting, and would like to see new opportunities for residents to get more actively involved in working groups.

From our perspective, the formation of the residents group has been a real success and is something to be very proud of. The group has grown organically from 8 people at the first meeting to 30+ at the most recent meeting with a mailing list of 50+! We would strongly urge more of you to get involved, especially tenants who are currently very underrepresented in the group. If you would like to find out more about the meetings, please contact Kath on 0151 644 4816 or

[email protected]